
Reengineering Activities

Reengineering Activities: Well Begun Is Half Done

Vasyl Soloshchuk

Having acquired expertise in reengineering enterprise software systems, I want to share what I believe to be the main points that allow us to make projects successful. There are a number of risks from clumsy solutions when changing software. That is why I think that preparing for the project is one of the most responsible stages of the process.

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Reengineering Recommended

When Software Reengineering Is Recommended

Vasyl Soloshchuk

Maintaining an existing system is an important stage of the software system lifecycle. Over time the software gets older, the technologies used become outdated, maintenance problems and costs grow and business processes change. Then, reengineering is on the agenda. Reengineering will boost a software system’s longevity and help avoid new development costs.

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