
Reengineering Activities

Reengineering Activities: Well Begun Is Half Done

Vasyl Soloshchuk

Having acquired expertise in reengineering enterprise software systems, I want to share what I believe to be the main points that allow us to make projects successful. There are a number of risks from clumsy solutions when changing software. That is why I think that preparing for the project is one of the most responsible stages of the process.

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Optimization Under Constant Load Increase

Vasyl Soloshchuk

The question of system performance worries users as well as the person responsible for business software. Clients don’t want to tolerate the poor performance of your software. Here, we discuss what can be done to avoid negative effects of poor performance, on every step from software development to reengineering.

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performance improvement

Low Performance: Why and How to Solve the Problem

Vasyl Soloshchuk

If the software system used by your business can’t cope with constantly increasing loads, slows down, doesn’t perform all the required operations or even stops serving, it may require reengineering. Before changing anything, you should define the problem by identifying the critical issues of your system. This step determines the required updates, avoiding needless efforts and expenses.

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